
Knowledge vs Information

People are curious creatures.  We want to know stuff. The quest to know something is so great, that search engines are one of the most valued commodities in the world today.

The Google Search engine has 22,083,870,968 queries per day, that is 255,600 per second.  That is a lot of queries.  What are people searching for?  What are we seeking?

We are bombarded with information.  There are so many venues that provide constant information today, that it takes a conscious effort to reduce our consumption, or to cut ourselves off completely.  Cellphones, computers, podcasts, streaming services, social media, television, radio are competing for our attention.  At the present time, I cannot open my phone without seeing ads. This is before I put my password into my cellphone.  A bit frustrating, yes. 

Not long ago the daily news was delivered via a newspaper, or by radio or on the television twice a day.  The 6 o’clock news or the 10 or 11 o’clock news.  I remember sitting with my Dad as he drank his coffee with cream watching the Evening News.  The news then was curated from journalists.  At one time, I considered a career in journalism.  My Dad would say things like “Don’t take the news too seriously, there are more important things in life.”. 

Today much of which we are receiving is an opinion. It is a based on someone’s interpretation of fact.  What if their interpretation is flawed? TicTok, X, Instagram, and Facebook show quick bits meant to invoke emotional response. There may be entertainment value, if a cute cat picture makes one smile.   There may even be pause for thought.  Our Wounded Women Rising Facebook and Instagram accounts have daily inspirational quotes or thoughts and photos to help promote a positive life experience.

As the volume of information increases, does a person’s knowledge expand?

When one learns something new, for example a new skill, or a new way of thinking; the new information is wired in, by the repetition.  Have you ever driven a standard automobile?  You can receive the information on how to use the clutch and the stick,  the gas and brake pedals, but until you can stop on a hill, without rolling back, you don’t know how to drive a standard.  At the point when you will have mastered the sweet spot, then you know how to drive a standard.  You have confidence in your ability to drive.  That confidence empowers you to get on the highway and go to new places and have new experiences. The confidence in your ability is what drives you. 

What is knowledge?

My mentor Zoran Hochstatter says of PureBioenergy Healing Therapy the knowledge comes from the doing. In his book, 3 Chairs he states, “With the knowledge comes an enormous responsibility. The knowledge grows with practice and the joy of learning, and this leads to more personal growth.”

The information that we are subjected to on a daily basis can be a big distraction from seeking wisdom.  How often to you find yourself doom scrolling? Just mindlessly scrolling through FB or Instagram and how do you feel afterwards?  Time slipped by and what have we gained from it.

“Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is potential power. .Knowledge is trumped every day by execution.” says Tony Robbins 

 Henry W. Wright writes:  “The beginning of all wisdom begins with knowledge. You cannot have wisdom unless you first have knowledge.  You cannot have wisdom if you do not preface it with knowledge. Knowledge apart from wisdom is foolishness.”  From the book,” A More Excellent Way”.

Knowledge is a gift to us, but we must ask for it and seek it.  And upon receiving it, use it. Psalm 119.66 NLT “For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will fill you with joy.”

As we go along in this life, may we gain in knowledge. Let’s share what we learned and remember to treat each other with respect and kindness.  When the opportunity presents itself, walk in nature.  Find the quiet and ask God to give you what you seek. I believe that God will give us both peace and the answers that we are seeking. “Ask and it will be given to you, seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. Matthew7.7-8. The Old and the New Testament are filled with verses on knowledge, wisdom and peace.  It’s worth a query.



Wisdom is a word we hear a lot. We all seek it. We believe life will be better if we have it. But can you define it? It struck me last week that Judy and I talk a lot about wisdom. Our website tag line is “The Wounded Woman’s Way to Wisdom.” So, what do we mean? What drives us to lead you into wisdom?

Let me start by defining wisdom.

Wisdom, sapience, or sagacity is the ability to contemplate and act productively using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight.


When I first read this definition, I paused. I realized that no one escapes gaining wisdom. As we live our lives, we all gain knowledge, experience, and insight. Most of us gain understanding or common sense, but not everyone. We cannot escape obtaining wisdom. We can, however, lack the ability to contemplate and act productively. When you live your life with “your head stuck in the sand” or being oblivious, you may miss the opportunities to act on what you have gained through experience. When we do not take responsibility for our actions we are not performing in our wisdom.

Why is wisdom such a big deal? Wisdom is key to making choices that bring joy. We all seek joy. Joy appears elusive to most. Could it be we do not experience joy because we are lacking in the pursuit or exercise of wisdom?

During my research for this article and years of seeking wisdom I was and am aware that wisdom is normally referred to in the feminine. Wisdom is called “she” and “her” in scripture. The book of Proverbs is full of thoughts on wisdom and refers to wisdom in the feminine. For example, “Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.” Proverbs 3:15

Wisdom is said to originate with God and God gives wisdom.

The Koran says that only Allah has wisdom and gives intelligence at his will.

Buddha says wisdom can be reached by knowing the impermanent nature of all objects we hanker after and annihilate cravings for them. Wisdom is knowledge.

Hinduism says that wisdom is higher than knowledge obtained by reasoning and inference. The path to wisdom is meditation, self inquiry, and contemplation.

Humanism states that wisdom comes from many diverse sources but is primarily something that develops over time through sharing and challenging of ideas.

Our Indigenous People say that wisdom is about the interconnectedness of all things. Wisdom deepens understanding. Wisdom is gained experience. Knowledge is to know the difference between wisdom and knowledge and accept responsibility and accountability. Wisdom is the future.

I found this online at They say wisdom is a virtue that is not innate but can only be acquired through experience. Anyone who is interested in trying new things and reflecting has the ability to gain wisdom. This website says to

  • try new things,
    • talk to people you do not know and listen,
    • do things the hard way,
    • make mistakes,
    • share your wisdom with others.

For our community wisdom is not something to be attained. It is something to be developed as we heal from our traumas, our mistakes, and the mistakes we see others make. Wisdom is developed when we celebrate our successes, For us wisdom is the pursuit of knowledge to share with you so you can heal and become whole. Judy and I actively search for the wisdom others have received and shared to help you. Judy and I have walked the path of trauma throughout our lives. We have managed situations we wish we could take back and get a do-over. We have managed situations the best we could with the information we had at the time. We have been brave. We have been crushed. We have been restored to a place where helping other women navigate the waters of healing is the deepest desire of our souls.

We believe that when one woman heals, a community is healed. The life of one woman touches so many people. Heal her. Heal her community. Teach her and you teach her community. Love her and she loves her community. This is what drives us in the pursuit of wisdom.