

What is passion? What comes to mind when you say the word passion?

It is a word often bandied about to promote the latest item to be desired, or acquired.

Why is the word associated with the colour red?

Why are certain women portrayed or described as a fiery woman, independent women … the passionate Italian actress, Sophia Loren. Golden Globe winner, Racquel Welch, even Katherine Hepburn and Sofía Vergara. Does their passion for their work or their lives make them independent, out-spoken?

Or does our society simply label them as such, because they speak their truth?

Is passion something that exists in all of us?

In researching this article I asked a number of people what is it that they are passionate about?

Many answered that their passion stemmed from their talent. If it was music, or art, or composition or fashion, or cooking. Sport also ranked highly on the list , both competing in sport or watching sports.

What all these things have in common is that they are creative pursuits.

Our creativity is something that defines us as humans.

In the yogic tradition the creativity energy lies in the 2nd chakra. This is the area just below the navel, in the center of the lower belly at the front and the lumbar spine at the back. The pelvic area is also where our fertility rests, our creative center.

As women so much of our life is affected by our fertility. Be it preventing a pregnancy, encouraging a pregnancy, carrying a pregnancy , becoming mothers and all the creativity that comes with that. Yes, negotiating with a toddler is a creative endeavour. As is communicating with a teenager.

That creative energy never leaves us. It may be transmuted into different venues.

What are you passionate about? What kick starts you to do that “thing” that you choose to do?

Whether you are a maiden/woman/mother/grandmother, with or without a child, that sacred part of you, your passion is an essential gift that you bring to the world.

Let’s embrace our passions. Let’s encourage one another to share what matters to you.

To stifle this energy is a disservice to ourselves and to the greater good.

We were all created with a red hot, fiery passion. Something that sets our hearts on fire, something we can talk for hours on when the spark is lit.

Let us get excited. Embrace that joy and let loose with abandon. Fear not what others may think. We are not thinking. We are being. We are doing. We are creating that Life that is worth living. We are making some noise, banging our toys and scaring the boys. That vast well of creative energy is there for you to use. Let’s shake things up. Let’s create something great.