

Courage what does that word mean to you?

We live in world which holds images of super heroes in high regard. Science fiction stories or movies with, lots of illustrations of women welding their swords in the air, ready to smite injustice, and stand for righteousness sell out with each new offering.  Wonder Woman, Storm, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Laura Kroft are instantly recognizable. Why is it that the concept of super woman is appealing?  In fact, it has become part of our vernacular: “Being a super-Mom”, “What is your super power?”

Is this superwoman concept something to which we wish to aspire?  These are fictional characters.

They are portrayed with principles or values that may be appealing to us, however.

Strength, loyalty, integrity and courage are values we can strive to incorporate in our lives.

Courage is the capacity to persist despite the fear, suffering, pain or failure.  A courageous person may feel fear; however, they choose to do the thing anyways.  Courage can also be the capacity to think, act or be different than the norm.  In other blogs we have acknowledged that throughout history, the norm has not been the best way.  It is okay to think for yourself. To base your decisions on your own experience and contemplate your actions with faith and discernment takes courage.

If you feel you lack courage, there are ways to exercise it and increase it in your daily life. You may want to encourage your internal lion.

Stretch out of your comfort zone – make one small decision or action towards that which you wish to achieve.  Open your mind so that you are at least able to consider a different way of doing something.   It may be as simple as taking a new way home or as complex as considering a course to lead to a new career.  Be open.

You could choose to have the courage to speak to people about topics that may not be popular. If things need to be changed to improve life, your life and others you care about. It may take a good bit of courage to have those discussions.

Courage to forgive the past, so you can live in the present without the heartache, bitterness or anger , regret or shame.  You are not the same person you were then, that person is gone, so let her go.

Every choice we make may not be the best choice. That’s ok.  Have the courage to choose and if you realize an error or find a better way, then redirect, reset your direction, and have the courage to admit your mistake.  We all make mistakes. We fall, we fail, we get back up {and look around to see if anyone saw us tumble}, we begin again but not from the start.

You have collected experience and wisdom along the way.  The courage to recognize that not all change can be seen immediately.  It takes courage to persevere, to keep going especially when things get tough.  So often when we don’t get immediate returns on our efforts, we give up.  You may try something once, and state that it didn’t work. Any new habit, or lifestyle change takes on average 3 months to take effect and see the results. The results are happening, you just don’t see them yet. Stick with it. Remember life often looks darkest before the dawn. Share with Rose and I what you would like to be courageous in, we will encourage you. Lions stay with their pride and the lioness can be the most courageous in leading her family.

Here’s a wee poem to inspire you to let your inner lion out.


Courage to say no

Courage to let go

Courage to believe

Courage to succeed

Courage to unwind

Courage to un whine /wine

Courage to address

That which makes us best

Courage to Love with

Unfettered heart

Knowing , having faith

You can always restart.