

Emotional intelligence, often abbreviated as EQ (Emotional Quotient), refers to the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively use your own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It plays a crucial role in personal and interpersonal success, and it’s particularly relevant in the context of personal development. Emotional intelligence is vital for building strong relationships, communicating effectively, managing emotions, and making sound decisions. In the context of personal development, developing emotional intelligence can lead to greater self-awareness and self-regulation, helping you to make positive changes in your life.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) can have a profound impact on your relationships. It plays a pivotal role in how you interact, communicate, and build meaningful connections. Emotional intelligence is a powerful tool. Emotional intelligence is a skill that can be developed and improved upon over time through self-awareness, practice, and a genuine commitment to understanding and connecting with others on a deeper emotional level.

All the subjects we have been covering this past year are all part of emotional intelligence. Increasing your emotional intelligence is an ongoing process. It requires patience and self-compassion. Raising your EQ does not need to be an arduous task. Each time you choose to develop an aspect of your personality you are also increasing your EQ. As we actively heal from the traumas of our life our emotional intelligence will ultimately increase. You can choose to increase your EQ or you can choose to do nothing and stay exactly where you are.

I would like to share some practical steps to help you enhance your emotional intelligence:

Take time for introspection. Reflect on your emotions, their triggers, and how they influence your thoughts and actions. Write your reflections in a journal to track your emotions and experiences. Writing about your feelings can deepen your understanding of them. This practice also gets the “stinking thinking” out of your head circling around and around.

Ask for honest feedback from trusted friends, family, or colleagues about how they perceive your emotional expressions and responses. Seek guidance from someone with a high level of emotional intelligence. Their mentorship can be invaluable in your journey to increase your EQ. These three practices increase your self-awareness. Becoming aware of your emotions is vital to your recovery.

Develop effective stress management strategies, such as exercise, deep breathing, or time management, to keep your emotions in check during challenging situations. Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, can help you become more aware of your emotional responses and learn to control them. Being prepared with strategies in advance assists you in weathering any storm that comes your way.

Pay close attention when others speak. Try to understand their feelings, concerns, and perspectives without immediately offering solutions or judgment. It is always better to listen to understand than to listen to respond.  I dislike it when I share my feelings with someone, and they respond without waiting for me to finish so they can share about their own life. That is an instant shut down for me. I know they do not care.

Work on your verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Be clear, concise, and empathetic in your interactions. Check your own body language. Body language often speaks louder than words. Are your arms crossed? Are you eyes wandering? What would it take to look into the eyes of the person talking? Are you giving them signs that you are listening?

When interacting with others, try to imagine what it’s like to be in their situation. This can help you connect on a deeper level. Strive to build and maintain positive relationships. Invest time in nurturing connections with friends, family, and colleagues.

Learn conflict resolution techniques to handle disagreements constructively. Techniques such as assertive communication, conflict analysis, taking breaks from discussions, and compromise, are all effective in deescalating conflict.

Identify healthy coping strategies for dealing with adversity, setbacks, or difficult emotions. This might include seeking support from others or engaging in self-care activities. Instead of dwelling on failures or setbacks, view them as opportunities for growth and learning.

Set meaningful, achievable goals that align with your values and passions. This can provide motivation and a sense of purpose. Check out our blog posts on values and passions. Recognize and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. This positive reinforcement can boost your motivation.

There are many books and resources available on emotional intelligence. Consider reading about the topic to gain new insights and strategies. Attend workshops or training programs on emotional intelligence if they are available in your area and online. These can provide practical exercises and guidance.

Remember that emotional intelligence is a skill that can be developed and improved over time through self-awareness, practice, and a genuine commitment to understanding and connecting with others on a deeper emotional level.

Neglecting your emotional intelligence can have far-reaching consequences in various aspects of your life, including your relationships, personal development, and professional aspirations. Recognizing the importance of emotional intelligence and actively working to improve upon it can lead to more positive outcomes in your trauma healing process and all areas of your life.


We Are Love

We are all love and spirit beings, no matter who we are or where we come from. We are all connected in our spirits, which allows us to see the beauty in each other, even when it is difficult to do so. When someone has hurt us or made decisions that have damaged our trust in them, we can remember that they too are a spirit being. They may have acted out of fear or lack of love, but this does not make them any less worthy of compassion. I know it is difficult to consider the other person when they have wronged and hurt you. However, when we see them as fellow broken humans we can turn from anger to compassion.

It is important to recognize that although there may be actions that someone has taken that you do not approve of or condone, it is essential to differentiate between the person and their actions. When a child strikes another person, are we able to separate the action from the child? Do you start calling the child a devil or other awful names? Or do you remove the child and instruct them on their behaviour?

It cannot be assumed that because one action was wrong, the person that committed it is completely bad. We have all heard that we should give the benefit of the doubt. Giving the benefit of the doubt means to believe something good about someone, rather than something bad.  We have the choice of doing either. Every individual has a unique spirit, and as such should be treated as an individual rather than defined by their past choices and actions.

We can also remember that those who hurt will in turn become hurtful. By understanding this cycle of pain, we can cultivate empathy and compassion for those whom we perceive to have wronged us, if we realize that they acted out of fear or lack of love. There may be times when it is best to distance ourselves from people who have been damaging in our lives, yet we still need to remember our connection in spirit.

Consider this example. The relationship with your sister is strained and has been most of your life. Do you treat her the way she treats you? Do you distance yourself from her to minimize the effect she has on you? Do you try to understand her behaviour? My experience says that option 2 and 3 are the best ways to go. Option one only leaves you feeling bad about yourself. Option one is sandbox mentality. To rise above the situation, put some distance between the two of you. When your emotions are calm you could try to understand her behaviour. You may not come to a place of understanding. That is okay. Distance is an effective way to manage the situation – even during family gatherings. I do not see distance as being a way to run away. I see distance as a positive mental health strategy and setting healthy boundaries.

Ultimately, remembering that we are all love and spirit beings, brings greater peace and harmony into our lives. No matter how broken or scared someone might seem on the outside, we can keep in mind that at their core they are love. After all, God is Love and we are a thought of God. Then it follows that we each have an innate capacity for love. It is this spiritual connection between us which allows us to act in a loving manner towards one another, even during times of difficulty or strife.

It is important to consider that despite the circumstances of our lives and the challenges we face, no one can ever take away our worth as spirit beings. Others and God love us, and more importantly than anything else, we are lovable! Let us strive towards creating a world where every person can feel secure in knowing that their spirit is worthy of respect and compassion. By embodying this truth, we can all become more connected in love.