
New Year 2023 Horoscope

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Our dear friend Norah Nasturas has graciously provided us with the New Year 2023 Horoscope and a Personal Horoscope for January 2023. I admit it. I do not understand a lot of the fine details of astrology. I do however, enjoy reading what astrologers have to say. If you would like to contact Norah, her contact information is at the end of this post.

Judy and I pray that 2023 is full of precious moments and a lot of AHA moments. 🙂

Ascendent Virgo = Ruler Mercury

Middle Heaven Gemini = Mercury

Mercury 28 degrees Sag in relation with Neptune 28 degrees Aquarius; Mercury Ruler of the year, movement, communications, talking, but at least for the first half no actions, the news about everything are in relation with illusions and manipulation, don’t listen too much to media: The TV or others information.

Mercury in Sagittarius, confusion but positive, more in relation with the Universal values. At the Same time, Lot of changes are coming in relation with information and new discovering,

Mercury Moon in the same element, the intuition is working together with the knowledge what give fast advancement in new things to do better life for people, working in the same direction, in the action.

Lot of people are having problems to adapt to the changes, thinking doctors/medicine can give solutions. And lot of problem with drugs. Drugs are not a solution. The solution is to help people to adapt to the changes, the changes happening in this last 2-3 years are irreversible, we are going to a different society, with different values, behaviors, educations, and spirituality.

Day Saturday = ruler Saturn, the first part of the year will be a new organization, and slow improvement, Saturn is moving to Aquarius, in direction Neptune, for 2 years ½ we will keep in the illusions, Middle 2025 we will know about what really happens in this period post covid. We will see the truth and understand.

Hour Sun = ruler Sun, positive year. Government will be improving too, take more action in relation with children, art and creativity (small businesses)

Venus = economy in Capricorn, slow improvement, will take 2 years to be ok.

Jupiter in Pisces, Jupiter is the protection we all have. In April 2023 Jupiter will move to Aries.

Lots of changes this spring in relation with Jupiter signification as Legal, Foreign, immigration, universities, learning, languages etc etc

Pluto in Capricorn = house prices are going to become normal.

Finally, Venus in Capricorn the first days of 2023 will be another change in the interest rate, in relation with the past actions of the country, the economy, the other countries, with Pluto will be another organization of the money for the country, The people, the business, in relation with priorities.

The moon in Aries is going to take us to the future, more importance for the women, the collective, the people, rapid changes. Lot of action taken by women, looking to past, change the meaning to be a woman, going out of the 2 nd category. As in women will be MORE PROMINENT.

Women fighting for family and children, with the Node north of the moon Rahu (karma), will change the future.

Mars in Taurus, all the activity for the country and people is ruled by Venus, taurus sign, the aggressivity of people will be coming down to most diplomatic behavior, the aggressivity/action of Mars will be transformed in diplomacy, Venus in Capricorn is in relation with the development of how the food is cultivated. Wall cultivation like Vertical Greenhouses.

Venus money = restriction, economy, creativity in 5 th house. Gambling, Complete change in the idea of money, from the past, the Money becomes an abstract idea, Property prices will be real, at the moment is completely an illusion, part of the Gambling situation.

People will start to Focus in new ways. The changes will be in projects, they will be reality in relation to Mars and will happen after the summer 2023.

The Node North of the Moon in 8 th house, People, women are asking for change, social benefits need to be updated, following the Changes in our society,

The 6th house, everything will be changed in relation with work, servants, pets, and very confused; in Aquarius with Neptune inside.

The 6th house in Aquarius, Health, Advance in the more natural ways to take care of the body at the same time that traditional Medicine, Aquarius is the sign of Freedom, Democracy, People. The governments need to find a solution in relation with the health problems and the health system, not only in Canada, will be probable that soon or later, we will have 2 systems in relation with health, the public and the private or will be more clear we have this 2 systems already??

January 2023 Horoscopes

Aries – Lot of changes especially in relation to the discovery about yourself. Who. Who I am and what I really want. A deep analysis of my past, a new cycle is starting with new ideas, values, optimism, thinking to a new start, trying to improving your life, health, organization,doing correction everything that is negative.

Taurus- the reality is here, and you need to face. You know is lot of work to do it and pain (Mars in taurus) but I am sure is going to be better, the shake-up (bad events) is passed, but you are not clear yet, Neptune in the 10 th House, fighti with illusions, the good thing is you have lot of people around, unknown new people and friends. Stay positive, little by little life is getting better.

Gemini- Good time to ask for a Credit or talk with the bank or ask for a raise. Routine becomes easier, we find solutions in relation with responsibilities or commitments, we have more organization, not too many changes and you realize that you are independent and strong and you find very good solutions to this difficult time you had the last 2-3 years. You are doing well.

Cancer- Surprises and changes at the work front, big jumps! Don’t forget the spiritual part in your life, enjoy the Result you are having after the hard work you did. Accept the gift coming from outside of your life, don’t be scared to be happy and don’t be hard on yourself.

Leo – don’t take risks, you don’t have the support you think. Your past relationships (co-workers, family, etc) and past actions are asking for solution, don’t fight, and Use diplomacy. Be very careful with investments or in relation with money, you will be losing lot of money if you don’t change your values, your behavior, try to be more in the reality than illusions, especially after spring 2023.

Virgo – You have the possibility this year to start a new life, with different way of thinking, try to make the necessary changes in your routine before the spring. You have the possibility to improve your career, using the knowledge you have about the Natural and Universal Values. The old teachers give you the knowledge you need to pass to new generations.

Libra – you are ok at this time, but your life is going to change in Spring, Lot of planets are going

to move and the same will be for different areas of your life. Take care of your health, you can do it now, don’t wait. Don’t worry about your career, you are now in the high possible place. Be careful after the spring the problems will start, especially Health.

Scorpio- Mars in Taurus, finally you will be in relation with your career in the high place you must be, Creativity, love, children Is ok but try to organize your future. Relationships are going to change, more work but different subjects with a change in the direction of your work, you attract people currently. Careful with your digestion.

Sagittarius – Good time for spirituality and travels, work and career is going to expand after the spring, more organization, friends coming from past (or past lives) future is open, put your engine to work, is a good year for you, little low in finances, be careful where you spend. You will have improvement in finances after the middle of the year.

Capricorn – Finally is finish these 3 years break in your life. Start to move again, start to live, put yourself in action is lot of opportunities there outside. Be smart, do it now; after spring will be much more difficult for you to find the NEW way. New friends are coming, old friends are going. Change your mind about you and the exterior, good for spirituality.

Aquarius – Become more interested in Nature, Natural healing, invest in yourself before March in new ways, find your happiness now, what you really would like to do. Don’t follow most people. Air is your element. The space is open waiting for you, all the possibilities are open for you Your health is improving lots. Don’t take drugs. Water is good for you, help to think. Go for swimming.

Pisces – Now your life is quiet, but Jupiter is leaving Pisces in March/April; time for a trip? Going to your roots, analyse your life and see what necessary change you need to do, try to come back to spirituality, you worry too much about money, but there are other things more Important in life, this year, you are going to find what is missing in your life. Control your health and your weight.

Effective January 1st 2023

Horary Chart (a question) $ 60.00 (approx. 15 min)

Chart Reading $ 180.00 (approx. 1 hour)

Esoteric, Karma, Spiritual Chart $ 275.00 (approx. 1 hour)

For appointments or information

Email: [email protected]

Text only: 519 497 6517 No phone calls