Can our Values be Changed?
Can our Values be Changed?

Can our Values be Changed?

Can our Values be Changed?

Values can evolve as we grow, mature and gain wisdom.

When you are a child, you think as a child. The values may be instilled in you by those in authority over you. Parents, coaches, teachers, instructors, grandparents, clergy all make an impression on the impressionable young mind.

As we mature, some of these values may no longer serve us.   Values affect our behaviours.

 Values are universally recognized as a driving force in all decision-making.  When we take the time to examine, excavate, uncover, and ask ourselves:  What is at the core of why I am doing what I am doing?

Values can be intentionally cultivated.  It may be beneficial to be in community with those that hold the same values you do.  It is rather difficult to be honest, and practice honesty if one surrounds oneself with pirates. If not speaking the truth, or lying is a common habit in a home, (even if used to protect the feelings of others), that behaviour can be changed.  You can consciously choose to speak the truth in a kind way.

How to Change Your Values

  1. Examine what values you currently hold
  2. Be Willing to Change
  3. Select a value you wish to embody
  4. Post that word in various places around your home
  5. Post the word on a mirror and say it aloud.   SMILE when you say it. For Example:  I am Patient.
  6. Practice the value you wish to embody.   How do I be tolerant? How do I practice the ability to wait without becoming annoyed, upset, or angry. 
  7. Imagine yourself acting in the manner you wish to emulate.
  8. Act on it

Consider the 5 people with whom you spend the most of your time.  What are their values?  Do those values reflect how you want to live your life?

Be willing to change.  Every day is a new beginning. If you want to be in a different place or mindset in 5 years from now. Start today. Take one step in the direction you want to grow. That one step will change your trajectory. 

Share with the group what Value you would like to embody.  Let’s support each other as we grow into the Wisdom of the Wounded Woman Rising.