


Forgiveness is the fragrance emitted by the violet as it is crushed by the heel that treads upon it. (Mark Twain)

Have you ever heard someone say, “I will say I am sorry but I am not going to forgive you.”

From a young age, we are taught forgive and forget. 

Just as  nutritionally, our cells grow from  what we consume, absorb the vitamins and detox the remainder.   Emotionally, spiritually to grow we also need to have an experience, learn from the experience, and detox what is not good for us.  Get rid of it. Let it go.

Imagine if the garbage did not get collected every 2 weeks.  How much rotting stuff would accumulate?  What would that do to the smell, and comfort of your home?  What would that waste attract? Mice, rats, flies, creepie crawlies?   If we do not take out the emotional refuse/garbage that stink, accumulates. It increases. 
There is a Proverbs saying bitterness rots the bones. A bitter mindset affects our whole being.  It rots the bones.  We are energetic beings.  Holding on to the hurts, pain, anger, feelings of betrayal locks us into a cycle of pain.  When one harbours an emotional pain, it will become a physical pain. To heal a physical pain, forgive an emotional pain. Forgiving releases the grip the pain has on you.  

Imagine the issue you have, with yourself or with someone else.  Holding the grudge, the hurt, the anger, and below the anger,  the fear hurts you.  You cannot receive anything when you have a closed hand. By holding onto these issues, we close our hands, and we close our hearts.  Eventually we poison our minds. To end this cycle, start at the high end.  Start with an old mediation prayer from Hawaii.

This is the prayer called The  Ho’oponopono .  It translates to the correction. It can be said with eyes closed. Think of the transgression, the person or the situation. Repeat this phrase aloud 7 or 8 times.

I am sorry.

Please forgive me.

I forgive you.

I love you.

Thank you.

The remorse, forgiveness, gratitude and love will change the energy.  Even if a person has passed away, or you are not speaking with them, say it.   There is always 2 sides to every disagreement.  Acknowledging our contribution, I am sorry.  Ask for forgiveness. Release.  Give forgiveness. Release. Love from the agape love, the humanity love, remembering we are love. Be thankful. Have gratitude for the lesson, the relationship, the past, the love.

It may take more than one time to release an old, imbedded hurt.  Keep at it. When the hurt arises, say it again.  This is for your well-being. Your heart health. Your body will be freer, or flexible.  Your thoughts will be clear and without malice or angst.  Your heart will be open.  You will be able to receive. Watch for the changes. Expect the miracles.

If you need help with this, contact us.  I have discovered that through Purebioenergy Healing Therapy many things I have encountered through life, I have been able to heal. To let go of the pain, worry, and bitterness that binds us.

This is a Big thing I had to forgive.  When I was in my early 30’s, I was going to a local Fertility Clinic . I had met Dr. Daya through the clinic on Pine St. in Kitchener.  He suggested to go to the MacMaster Clinic as it was superior to the clinic we had been attending.  After many tests, (many which I had already done), he recommended a surgical procedure that was quite significant. Cutting and changing the uterus shape, called a Tompkins Metroplasty.  I did not feel comfortable with this type of invasive procedure. It had a long 6 week recouperation period.  I declined.  He brought it back up at a meeting when my then husband( now ex) was present. My ex told me that I had to comply and get this surgery done.  Even while awaiting the surgery, my intuition was screaming at me. Get up, leave , just walk away.  I did have the surgery. It was shoddily completed with the students doing the final stitching up. There was damage to nerves, muscles were cut and not properly stitched. It created a ridge on my abdomen which has never flattened out.

A number of years later, I received a letter from MacMaster Hospital that an inquiry and lawsuit was in process, as this outdated surgical procedure by Dr. Daya had been done on women who did not even have the issue, the surgery was meant to correct.  I was one of those 35 women who did not have anything wrong with my uterus. It was healthy. Dr. Daya committed medical fraud, damaging 189 women, some permanently disabled as a result.   My physical body was damaged by him. My emotional body was affected resulting in a big lack of trust. There are many layers to this unnecessary trauma.  The only thing I can do is to address how I feel, and think and act.  I choose to heal.  During a Purebioenergy Healing Therapy healing session many years later, Zoran, my mentor, asked me whether there was something that I was angry about.  I didn’t think I was angry.  Unrecognized anger can show up looking like depression. I am grateful to say I have healed from this.  All of it. It no longer defines me in anyway. You can forgive and release carrying the burden of it.

What do you want to release, forgive and need to let go of?   

Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it. (Mark Twain)